Content creation has become a career on its own over the years, people tend to make a good amount of money of out of it that by doing it as their full time job. However, it is not as easy as it may seem, coming up with new ideas and finding time to shoot is extremely hard, especially if you are doing it along with your regular job. But thankfully, with the upgrade of technology this has become more doable, there are various apps and software that make creating, editing, planning and scheduling very easy!
This is the first step to creating content, you have to plan it! You need to know what to shoot, when to shoot. For this you can you planning tools such as Trello, this allows you to plan out all your content marketing steps such as ideas, writing, editing, publishing and promotion. You just have to put them down in your trello board and set deadline. Put them in order of priority that the task needs to be done, trello also allows you to add brief description of your ideas, you can also colour code the categories! by keeping track of it you can be sure not miss out or forget anything, make it a habit to update your board weekly

Over time most creators invest in camera equipment to enhance the quality of their content, but if you are just starting out and you do not have sufficient funds to get a camera of your own you can still get the work done simple on your Phone. Filmic Pro is an app that makes shooting easy even for a beginner, it’s easy to use and comes with many features. You can purchase it for 10USD on Appstore.
It comes with manual control that allows you to have full control on the focus, exposure, white balance and variable speed zoom. It has different frame rates such as 24 or 48 fps along with 4k image quality. It is a great one time investment that will last you for long. This makes sure you are providing your audience with the best quality of content.
Video marketing is the future of content marketing without a doubt, in fact reported by HubSpot, 97% of marketers claim that videos help customers understand products a lot better. Which is why it is very important to invest in a good video, which also includes the post production process, so you need to make sure your video is properly edited, for that you can invest in paid software such as adobe premiere pro, it is an ideal software for videos. But if you do not wish to pay you can make use of free products such as iMovie, Blender.

One might think posting is as easy as logging into your account and just putting your content, we hate to be the one to break it to you it’s a lot more work than this! One main thing that people find attractive at the first glance is the outlook of your page, that is why many people spend time planning it and posting according to it. For this thing you can make use of app such as preview to plan the visual look. You can also make use of website hootsuiet.com to schedule your post across all platforms! Truly saves so much time.
We hope our tips prove helpful to you! Creating content is all about enjoying the process and being your own boss, make the work easier for yourself and enjoyable for your audience!