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How to Write a Short Film

Writer's picture: Qasim khan Productions Qasim khan Productions

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

In our last blog, we talked about things you need to know before writing a script, most people try their hands on short films before going on to the big scale projects. But making a short film is also no piece of cake, it requires tons of hard work and dedication. Like coffee has its own method of being made to taste good, so does making a film. If you follow the right steps you’re guaranteed to end up with something good in your hands.

Lets’ Begin!

One of the steps in the last blog was Building Character

What is that? And how do you “build” a character

Your character is not just another part of your story, your character is the story. The most important part, without a good character build up your story will go down the drains. Below are some steps to help you get started on your character;

  • Build your main character, the person the story is about

  • Use any of the three following principles for building a successful story for the character Philological, Ethical or moral dilemmas

  • If you add more than one main character, they should relate to the philological concept of the story

  • Reflect what the character believes and what actions they take because of their beliefs

  • Build an emotional connection with the audience

The last one is your go-to, the more your audience can connect with your character the more they will want to watch the movie, again and again, that’s why we add Philological, Ethical or moral dilemmas because it will allow your audience to understand the character more and why the story is the way it is.


Your story does not stop at the main character, you also need secondary character, so the next step is to;

Build other characters

The second important character would hold believes opposite to that of the main character and also the other character you include should complement the story

Next up is what gets us all worked up,

A conflict

You know when you are watching a movie, and suddenly the character starts having problems, if you are being honest that’s when the movie has all your attention!

That why even as a writer you need to build that conflict and should be an obstacle between the wants of the main character; an obstacle between the character’s want and this is affected by the characters beliefs. There are also 6 types of following conflicts that are usually used in movies

warrior in sunset

1. Character vs. self

2. Character vs. character ( Antagonist vs protagonist)

3. Character vs. society ( The ideology )

4. Character vs. supernatural

5. Character vs. technology

6. Character vs. nature

Next up is story circle.

The circle is something you need to master, Here is where the “Circle of the short film” come in play, it’s a carefully made circle that will give your story the direction it needs to have a good plot and it will also help you fight writer block.

1. Is the original state of the main Character, where it all starts from, the character doesn’t have problems and they are living in their small bubble

2. They have a desire to get something that’s out of their comfort zone, they really want it but it would get them in conflicts because it's so different

3. The situation challenges the characters belief, they enter the situation and they must deal with it a way that will challenge their beliefs and put them in philological, Ethical or moral dilemmas

4. Next step is the main character's reaction to the situation and now that they are stuck, the audience will see how they adapt to it

5. They do what they want to get what they want even though it challenges them believes

6. Since they went against themselves, the character pays a heavy price for their choices, they are challenged

7. In most stories the conflict goes well, they return to the balance before the conflict, but go the other way if you really want to!

8. At the end of your movie, show how the conflict benefits the story! Why is it even added to the story?

Going back to the original path, this is a no brainer, add Climax!

It’s so important to give your story what it needs to capture the interest of your audience, The character has a major impact on the philological concept of the story, It’s a part of the circle and a very important element to add even if you are not following the circle.

To sum it all up, know who is the main character, what extreme problem he/she has, Let the audience sympathize for this Build character moments, tell the audience about the character through these moments and this will get the audience to care about the characters belief. All the best!

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