When you start out as a new filmmaker it’s very easy to get confused with what equipment’s do you exactly need! Film making consists of hundreds of high-end equipment’s that come with a pricey value. While with time it’s important to invest in them but as a beginner the road you take is different. As a filmmaker it’s very exciting to build up your equipment package, this package helps you create a great film.
We are here to make the journey easier for you, below are exactly 5 equipment you need to get started!
Video Camera

Okay, this one is a little obvious! A camera. You can’t make a film without a video camera, there is a variety of camera collection available in the market that help you shoot a good quality video. Now what camera you buy solely depend on your budget, you can get a DSRL or a Mirrorless camera and change the lenses. These are some of the best camera’s you can get as a beginner;
1) Panasonic Lumix GH5, Impressive video specification
2) Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, A highly portable, semi-pro 4K video
3) Nikon Z 50, Superb mid-price mirrorless video shooter
4) Sony A6400, Image quality is great
What camera you buy is completely up to you, you have to search up the qualities and make the decision. But what you should never overlook in the making of film it’s the audio!

So the next equipment of our list is a microphone if your audio is not clear no one will be able to fully enjoy your work. Some people may think the camera integrated microphones are enough, but they are not. A great quality of audio will sow your audience your dedication towards work. There are different forms of microphones such as a Shotgun, handheld, lapel ( Expensive). To accompany your microphone you can consider investing in a boom pole and shock mount for stable recording. To protect your audio from wind, get a windscreen! This might seem like a lot but consider it one audio equipment package.
Heard the famous catchphrase, Lights... Camera... Action? You must have, films are incomplete without good lighting! It is even more important than your camera, yes you heard it. You can shoot on your iPhone also but if the setting is poorly lit, no one will know what’s going on. That is why you need to consider investing in lights. The first kind of light people invest in is Key light.
What is the key light?
Key Light = Main Light (light the subject)

Slightly above your subject and about 450 from the camera:
It creates a shadow on face and subject appear more three dimensional also create depth to the image. Depth = Cinematic and pop out from the screen.
Lighting is a huge topic in itself, we will be talking more about this in our upcoming blogs.
Be it for lighting or your camera, the more stable it is the better the quality of your work will be. Tripods are often neglected but they enhance your work to a great degree. For your camera you can make use of a stabilizer as well, it’s handheld but will shield you from shaky videos. As for lighting tripod will help you do the desired set up, such as 3-point lighting, Butterfly lighting or Striking light, the options are endless, but you need a tripod to help you
accomplish them.
Now you have it sorted out; you have shot your video. Next step is to edit it, editing which will bring your clips together and create the final masterpiece. And for that you need a good device, our next item is;

A computer with good editing apps ins essential. Most beginners can make use of MAC because they’re designed for video editing and widely used in the film and media industry. It already comes with Final cut pro, a great editing software. You can also consider purchasing adobe software like premiere pro, but final cut pro would do alright.
Notch it up a little with PC, especially of Microsoft. PC is more compatible with editing software, and the quality is excellent. Plus they cost less. Big scale productions make use of PC!
The list ends here, these are essential things you need as a beginner filmmaker. These will guarantee you good quality of work, with passing time you can keep upgrading your equipment package depending on your budget. We hope this list is a help in getting your started.